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Life situations
Thematic articles
Families and children
[FAMI01] Number of households by type and number of children by Year, Country, Household and Number of children
[FAMI02] Households with children by number of children, per cent of total by Year, Country and Number of children
[FAMI03] Households with children by status of parents, per cent of total by Year, Country and Household
[FAMI04] Households without children, per cent of total by Year, Country and Household
[FAMI05] Households with single parents, per cent of total by Year, Country and Sex
[FAMI06] Households with singles without children, per cent of total by Year, Country and Sex
[FAMI07A] Days with benefits at pregnancy, childbirth, and adoption during the year by Year, Country and Sex
[FAMI07B] Days with benefits at pregnancy, childbirth, and adoption during the year, per cent of total days by Year, Country and Sex
[FAMI07C] Average days with benefits at pregnancy, childbirth, and adoption during the year pr. newborn by Year and Country
[FAMI09A] Amount in adoption allowance in national currency by Year and Country
[FAMI09B] Amount in adoption allowance in PPS (purchasing power standard) by Year and Country
[FAMI10] Adoptions from abroad with adoption allowance by Year and Country
[FAMI11A] Yearly amount of child allowance in national currency by Year, Country, Household and Number of children
[FAMI11B] Yearly amount of child allowance in PPS (purchasing power standard) by Year, Country, Household and Number of children
[FAMI12A] Advances on child maintenance allowance in national currency by Year and Country
[FAMI12B] Advances on child maintenance allowance in PPS (purchasing power standard) by Year and Country
[FAMI13A] Children receiving advances on maintenance allowance by Year and Country
[FAMI13B] Children receiving advances on maintenance allowance in per cent of the population under 18 years by Year and Country
[FAMI14A] Children enrolled in day-care institutions and family day-care by Year, Country and Age
[FAMI14B] Children enrolled in day-care institutions and family day-care, per cent of age group by Year, Country and Age
[FAMI15A] Children and adolescents in receipt of special support by Year, Country and Age group
[FAMI15B] Children and adolescents in receipt of special support, per cent of age group by Year, Country and Age group
[FAMI16A] Children and adolescents taken into care outside the home by Year, Country, Age group and Sex
[FAMI16B] Children and adolescents taken into care outside the home per 1 000 in the age group by Year, Country, Age group and Sex
[FAMI17] Children and adolescents in care at year-end, per cent of total by Year, Country and Facility
Housing benefits
Labour force
Other social benefits
Pension recipients
Sickness and health