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Diseases related to lifestyle
Mortality and causes of death
Organization of health services
Pharmaceutical products
Use of health services
Accidents and injuries
Treatment in hospitals
Average length of stay
Number of discharges
Patients treated
[PATIENT01] Main diagnostic groups, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT02] Parasitic diseases, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT03] Neoplasms, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT04] Diseases of the blood and bloodforming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT05] Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT06] Mental and behavioural disorders, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT07] Diseases of the nervous system, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT08] Diseases of the eye and adnexa, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT09] Diseases of the ear and mastoid process, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT10] Diseases of the circulatory system, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT11] Diseases of the respiratory system, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT12] Diseases of the digestive system, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT13] Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT14] Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT15] Diseases of the genitourinary system, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT16] Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT17] Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT18] Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT19] Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT20] Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT21] Factors influencing health status and contact with health services, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[PATIENT22] COVID-19, patients treated in ordinary and specialized hospitals, per 100 000 inhabitants by Diagnostic group, Year, Country, Sex and Age group

[TREAT02] In-patient treatment in psychiatric wards per 1 000 inhabitants by Year, Country and Measure

[TREAT01] Discharges, bed days and average length of stay in wards at ordinary hospitals and special hospitals by Year, Country, Measure and Ward type

Life situations
Thematic articles